Been researching my oncology/surgery options here on the front range in Colorado. I’m north of Denver. I cannot get into CSU (Fort Collins) for a few weeks. I’ve already been to in to see the oncologist at Aspen Meadows in Longmont. I’m leaning towards amputation/chemo (carboplatin is what they). Just thought I’d send out some feelers regarding going w another oncologist w CSU so close. The difference for driving is 10min (I live in Longmont) to an hour or so up to CSU. I’m ready for a surgical consult, so if anyone has used Aspen Meadows, I’d love to hear about your experience. CSU is close but I hear it’s very costly. I have some means but not infinite. Thank for listening!!
Hi – I know we have a lot of peeps in the group in CO. But the blogs get less traffic, I think, than the forums, which are organized in a way that people can peruse quicker. I would, if I were you, post this as a new topic – you can even put Aspen Meadows in Longmont and CSU Fort Collins in the Subject for the topic. I would post it in the Veterinary Specialist referrals section. I am positive you will see faster responses there! I know somone else is a vet who has a dog with cancer and is going to CSU for treatment… This section: is where you should probably post! Best wishes!
Lisa and Pofi dog